Battleship: The Unsinkable Edmund Fitzgerald

October 22nd — Keeping the tradition alive, GSLW’s Battleship Tournament’s new rules brought fast play. Earlier in the year, students battled it out in the pool for the title of Battleship Champions. Wednesday night brought round two to the student body.

Played in front of a smaller week-night crowd, the event was still as fun as ever. The rules were more specific this time, with a few added due to previous discrepancies. There was a lot more staff in the pool as well to make sure everyone followed the rules. WLSO was also there to once again set the mood with an upbeat playlist.

There were nine teams of four, meaning that there were three even pools to start off the games. Each team was put in a less than fully functional canoe (they all had holes in them) and let loose with a collection of mismatched buckets.

After the preliminary rounds, it got competitive. The elimination rounds went quickly, with each heat only advancing one team to the next round. Entering into the finals, there was a debate over who would get a certain canoe. With strategy at the forefront of the final match, all of the teams were avoiding the middle boat.

One of the boats sank right away, leaving the last two teams, Edmund Fitzgerald and Hashtag Selfie, to battle each other for the title. Edmund Fitzgerald had a different water throwing technique that proved to be rather effective, while Hashtag Selfie seemed physically incapable of sinking Edmund Fitzgerald and, ironically, the team named after the sunken vessel proved to be victorious.

The finalists all received a t-shirt, and each first place winner also received a $25 gift card to Dunhams.

By Amanda Cady

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