Altered Book Contest

By Miranda Emaus Oct. 15 – The Kenneth J. Shouldice Library revealed the results of it’s first ever Altered Book Contest. Artists from both the school and community participated by transforming old books in masterpieces by utilizing paint, origami, exacto knifes, paper mache, ect… The event was inspired from the remodeling of the library; in…

Marc Boucher Interview

Typically when one imagines a librarian, the image of a stringent older women, authoritatively keeping her library as quiet as a tomb via whispered commands, marching down the aisles eyeing for errantly placed books, pops into mind. That is not Marc Boucher. He has a booming voice. He has boatloads of energy. Heck, he even…

Dear Underclassmen

A Heartfelt letter from Seniors to Freshmen One day you will understand what it is to be a senior. Yes, there are lots of perks to being a senior like parking next to CAS instead of way out in H lot all winter and not having to worry about your classes filling up at 12:01…

Ban The Words List

In the spirit of banning things for petty reasons, it has been proposed by the interstate council of people who have phones that the Banished Words List be, itself, banned. Prepare for one cra-cra article filled with swag and requiring a snarky skill set that allows one to highlight the absurdity of a bunch of…

David Bennett and the Anatomy of a Riot

January 22 — David Bennett took to the podium in the LSSU Superior Room to educate the public on the science of a riot, and the significance of historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. After David Bennett’s presentation was postponed last semester, Lake State asked him to speak in celebration of MLK Week.…


As a writer, I feel like it’s my duty to participate in National Novel Writing Month each November. Sadly, That sense of duty was tempered by the overwhelming workload I found myself buried under this year. Senior problems. For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo is a writing program that started in 1999. The…

The Difference Between Trope and Cliché

A young farmboy stares off into the distance. His whole future is on that horizon, but he doesn’t know it until a mysterious event occurs and a wise old man arrives to change his life forever. The boy goes on a journey where his values and beliefs are challenged as he confronts an evil empire…

Group Projects: Why they are a Pain

When a professor assigns group projects, students panic. The objective of finding a partner in a class without friends is intimidating. Socializing with strangers? What’s that? No matter how you cut it, though, there are positive aspects of group projects. Due to time constraints, more than one person may be needed to collect data, and…